Each action in Authsignal’s portal can be configured to prompt users to enroll a passkey after they have authenticated. This feature is useful for encouraging users to enhance their security and experience by enrolling a passkey.

Passkey uplift prompt

Passkey uplift prompt

Configuring actions to prompt passkey enrollment

Each action can be configured independently to prompt users to enroll a passkey after authentication. To set this up:

  1. In the settings tab of the desired action, scroll down to the Prompt users to add a passkey section.
  2. Toggle the Prompt users to add a passkey switch to on.

Passkey action-level settings

By configuring these settings, you ensure that users are prompted to enroll a passkey at appropriate times, thereby increasing the overall security of your application.

Changing the passkey uplift prompt interval

To change the passkey uplift prompt interval, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your passkey settings.
  2. Go to Advanced settings.
  3. Set the Passkey uplift prompt interval to your desired interval.

Passkey uplift interval settings

Browser support

Passkey registration in cross-origin iframes is not yet supported in Safari. This means that the passkey enrollment prompt currently works better with the pre-built UI in redirect mode than it does in popup mode. You can follow progress around browser support for passkey registration in cross-origin iframes here.