Using the pre-built UI

If your web app is running locally but you’re launching the Authsignal pre-built UI to use passkeys, then even during development you’ll be using passkeys on your custom domain.

This makes local development easy because you can use the same configuration for local development that you use in production.

With the pre-built UI you can use the same config for local dev and production

When using the pre-built UI you don’t need to include localhost in your configuration even when your app is running on localhost, because all passkey interactions happen on your custom domain.

Using Client SDKs

If your web or mobile app is running locally and you’re using Client SDKs, then to get passkeys working locally you have two options.

1. Set your Relying Party ID to localhost.

If your app is already live, then we recommend creating a separate tenant especially for local development - then you can set your Relying Party ID to localhost for this tenant.

Setting your Relying Party ID to localhost

Make sure that you include the scheme e.g. http and port e.g. 3000 in the expected origin.

2. Set your Relying Party ID to your production domain

You can run your web app locally on your production domain (e.g. instead of using localhost - e.g. by editing your hosts file. You will likely also need to use a self-signed development certificate to run your app locally on an https endpoint.