Terminal Pairing

To integrate an Authsignal terminal with your point of sale system, you’ll need to obtain the terminalId from an on-boarded device. This unique identifier is required to authenticate requests to the payment session APIs from your point of sale terminal.

Terminal Request Identification

The Authsignal Payment Session API uses your terminalId as a value in the x-authsignal-terminal HTTP request header to identify requests.

curl --header 'x-authsignal-terminal: YOUR_TERMINAL_ID' https://api.authsignal.com/v1

Region selection

Authsignal’s server SDKs default to the US (Oregon) region. If your tenant is in a different region, a different API URL must be configured.

US (Oregon)https://api.authsignal.com/v1
AU (Sydney)https://au.api.authsignal.com/v1
EU (Dublin)https://eu.api.authsignal.com/v1