Authsignal’s server SDKs make it easier to interact with Authsignal’s REST API from your server-side code.



npm install @authsignal/node


Initialize the Authsignal client by providing your tenant’s secret key and the API URL for your region.

import { Authsignal } from "@authsignal/node";

const authsignal = new Authsignal({
  apiSecretKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",

The API URLs for each region are defined below.

US (Oregon)
AU (Sydney)
EU (Dublin)



API schema

This method lets you track authentication events performed by users and initiate challenges via the Authsignal pre-built UI or Client SDKs.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  action: "signIn",
  attributes: {
    redirectUrl: "",

const response = await authsignal.track(request);

if (response.state === "CHALLENGE_REQUIRED") {
  // Present challenge via Authsignal pre-built UI URL
  const url = response.url;
} else if (response.state === "ALLOW") {
  // Allow the user to sign in
} else if (response.state === "BLOCK") {
  // Block the user from signing in

Learn more about how to track actions to implement MFA or passwordless login flows.

Validate Challenge

API schema

This method lets you validate server-side whether a user has successfully completed an authentication challenge via the Authsignal pre-built UI or an Authsignal Client SDK.

After obtaining a short-lived token from the pre-built UI or a Client SDK, pass this token to your server to determine the result.

const request = {
  token: "eyJhbGciOiJ...",

const response = await authsignal.validateChallenge(request);

if (response.state === "CHALLENGE_SUCCEEDED") {
  // The user completed the challenge successfully
  // Proceed with authenticated action or integrate with IdP to create authenticated session
} else {
  // The user did not complete the challenge successfully

Get User

API schema

This method lets you retrieve information about a user.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",

const response = await authsignal.getUser(request);

const isEnrolled = response.isEnrolled;

Update User

API schema

This method lets you update information about a user. Any fields which are omitted in the request will be left unchanged.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  attributes: {
    email: "",
    phoneNumber: "+64271234567",
    username: "",
    displayName: "Jane Smith",

const updatedAttributes = await authsignal.updateUser(request);

Delete User

API schema

This method lets you delete a user and all their associated authenticator data.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",

await authsignal.deleteUser(request);

Get Authenticators

API schema

This method lets you retrieve a list of the authenticators that a user currently has enrolled.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",

const authenticators = await authsignal.getAuthenticators(request);

Enroll Verified Authenticator

API schema

This method lets you enroll an email or SMS-based authenticator for a user whose email address or phone number has already been verified via an external platform.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  attributes: {
    verificationMethod: VerificationMethod.SMS,
    phoneNumber: "+64270000000",

const response = authsignal.enrollVerifiedAuthenticator(request);

This method should not be used if you haven’t yet verified the user’s email or phone number. It does not send out an email / SMS to initiate a verification process - if you need to verify an email address or phone number, you should use a Client SDK or the pre-built UI.

Delete Authenticator

API schema

This method lets you remove an authenticator that a user has previously enrolled.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  userAuthenticatorId: "bf287470-24d9-4aa4-8b29-85683bea703f",

await authsignal.deleteAuthenticator(request);

Get Action

API schema

This method lets you retrieve information about an action which was previously tracked.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  action: "signIn",
  idempotencyKey: "83d07321-9bba-4f08-a871-02e2af813b72",

const response = await authsignal.getAction(request);

Update Action

API schema

This method lets you manually update the state of an action that was previously tracked.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  action: "signIn",
  idempotencyKey: "83d07321-9bba-4f08-a871-02e2af813b72",
  attributes: {
    state: "REVIEW_REQUIRED",

const updatedAttributes = await authsignal.updateAction(request);

Error handling

Authsignal Server SDKs can return errors for a variety of reasons, such as invalid requests or network interruptions, which should be handled accordingly.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",

try {
  const response = await authsignal.getUser(request);
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof AuthsignalError) {
    const statusCode = e.statusCode;
    const errorCode = e.errorCode;
    const errorDescription = e.errorDescription;

Error fields


The HTTP status code returned by the Authsignal Server API.


A code which identifies a specific error state.


A free-text description of the error. This value should only be used for logging or troubleshooting purposes.

Error codes


Indicates that the request cannot be handled because the tenant is in an invalid configuration.


Indicates that the credential (e.g. passkey) referenced by the request is invalid for the given user and cannot be authenticated.


Indicates that the request failed due to an invalid parameter or input.


Indicates that the server cannot respond as requests have been rate-limited due to exceeding a threshold.


Indicates that the request is unauthorized due to invalid tenant credentials - for example if the API secret key is invalid or if the region doesn’t match.


Verifying incoming requests

The Authsignal Server SDK can be used to parse and verify incoming webhook events.

const authsignal = new Authsignal({ apiSecretKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY" });

// Obtain raw request body and signature header
// For example using Express (
const payload = req.body;
const sig = req.headers["X-Signature-V2"];

const event = authsignal.webhook.constructEvent(payload, sig);

The Authsignal SDK requires the raw body of the request to verify the signature. If you’re using a framework, make sure it doesn’t manipulate the raw body as this will cause the signature verification to fail.

To prevent against replay attacks, the SDK will error if more than 5 minutes has elapsed since the time that the event was sent. This threshold can be customized by passing a tolerance value - the time (in minutes) after which requests should be rejected.

const payload = req.body;
const sig = req.headers["X-Signature-V2"];
const tolerance = 10;

const event = authsignal.webhook.constructEvent(payload, sig, tolerance);