If you have already verified a user’s email address or phone number in your own platform, you may wish to enroll them with a corresponding email or SMS authenticator in Authsignal automatically, without requiring any further user intervention.

This can be achieved by using the Enroll Verified Authenticator method in your server-side code.

const request = {
  userId: "dc58c6dc-a1fd-4a4f-8e2f-846636dd4833",
  attributes: {
    verificationMethod: VerificationMethod.SMS,
    phoneNumber: "+64270000000",

const response = authsignal.enrollVerifiedAuthenticator(request);

This method assumes the user’s email address or phone number has already been verified and does not send out an email or SMS to perform verification. It should only be used if you have performed this verification in your own platform.

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